VOLVO VIDA Diagnostic System,oem VOLVO Diagnostic Tester Tool. Volvo Diagnostic flash coding programming vehicle Software download upgrade reload.
VIDA is diagnosis system for Volvo vehicles. to use VIDA, anetwork connection is always required, because all information is obtained online, the VIDA new version works automatically through the Internet.
VIDA fault diagnosis workflow is an application for all volvo model years vehicle. The fault diagnosis workflow includes fault tracking based on DTC (diagnostic trouble code) and / or CSC indicated by customers,TIE technical support can be provided for special faults.
VIDA will update the application several times year, After the new version of Vida is released, the application will be automatically upgraded when you log in.
VOLVO VIDA diagnostic system main functions:
• Diagnosis work, provide complete fault diagnosis workflow function.
• Software download, Vida software download is applicable to all models of vehicle software.
• Part information, can access the parts catalog.
• Workshop information, comprehensive access to workshop repair information.
• Standard hours, which provide the calculated time to perform an operation.
We can provide Volvo VIDA with various user working modes, such as dealer model, technical service engineer, independent workshop,And diagnostics with advanced engineering development mode.
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