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Rolls-Royce Spectre RR25 EV CAD CATIA 3D Point cloud data CAN protocol DBC file CAE analysis Teardown analysis tech report BOM materials Technical information.

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Rolls-Royce Spectre (RR25) Electric Vehicle Design Research Development Engineering Technical Information Data Materials.

Rolls-Royce SPECTRE RR25 EV CAD CATIA 3D Point cloud CAN protocol DBC file Teardown Benchmarking Measure analysis tech report Electronic Electrical architecture BOM materials CAE analysis Vehicle Technical information materials.

Rolls-Royce Spectre Electric Vehicle Engineering Technical Data File Materials,CATIA data CAD data 3D point cloud data materials,CAN protocol DBC file data,CAE Model Simulation Engineering Analysis FEA finite element analysis,BOM Bill of Materials,Electronic and Electrical Architecture,Design and Development Engineering Drawing Data Materials,Teardown Disassembly Report Reports,Benchmarking Measurement Report,Data Analysis Report,Market Reports,Technical Reports,Parts photographs and Exploded views,High voltage battery and HV battery cell studies,Motor and Inverters advance studies, Thermal strategies and Cooling,Body Chassis Electrical analysis advanced studies,Electrical Wiring Harness Layout,Workshop Service Repair Technical Information,Technical Materials come from BMW Rolls-Royce Spectre Research and Development Engineering Technical Center. OEM BMW Rolls-Royce Core Technical Information.

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