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Maserati MD MDEVO MDEVO2 MDEVO3,Maserati MDEVO Diagnostic System,Maserati MD MDEVO Diagnosis System, Oem Maserati MD MDEVO Diagnostic Tester.

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Maserati MD MDEVO MDEVO2 MDEVO3 Diagnostic system Tester Tool.
Language: Italiano,English,Francais,Deutsch,Espanol,Japan,Chinese.
Delivery time: can be sent to any country within 15 days.
> Maserati MD MDEVO have complete workshop service functional , Vehicle Diagnostic,  Troubleshooting Diagnostics guidance,Dynamic parameters, fault reading and clearing,Active Diagnosis,Coding match,special function,Vehicle Flash programming ECU,Proxi update,Procedures,Technical information search.
Maserati MDEvo was designed as an evolution of the previous MD. Maserati new electronic diagnostic instrument,Maserati Diagnosi EVOluzione (for short MDEVO). Maserati MDEvo manages Maserati vehicle models Diagnostic starting from Quattroporte M156 onwards with the new MDEvo Application Software (completely new Diagnostic system Graphical User Interface).
To manage older models, MDEvo includes a virtual environment (Windows XP) in which the traditional MD diagnostic system is installed, which runs automatically when an older model is selected, the virtual environment looks and functions the same as MD.

> Maserati Base Diagnosis function: Base Diagnosis function allows to read from the ECU and to show Parameters of the Selected ECU. when in ECU Base Diagnosis view ,Parameters can have numerical values, alphanumerical values, values in a listed set, numerical values can have a measurement unit ( Celsius, Km/miles, Volt, Amp…),Depending on the particular ECU diagnostic definition, Parameters are read from the ECU using Commands that can contain one ore more Parameters. can also search for parameters simply by name,toggle layout for intuitive viewing in different views. can also create Custom Groups of Parameters in addition to Groups already defined by the particular ECU diagnostic definition.
> Maserati Active Diagnosis: Active Diagnosis functions,used to Write Parameters on an ECU. To temporary replace Input values of an ECU (ex: the state of a button read by ECU). To temporary replace an Output states of an ECU (ex: a motor driven by ECU). To run particular routines of an ECU (ex: calibration of sensors read by ECU, reset of some data managed by ECU). Unlike Base Diagnosis, Active Diagnosis implement Active actions on the car,When in ECU View, the User can open Active Diagnosis View tapping on “Active Diagnosis”,Available Active Diagnosis are defined for each particular ECU.Depending on the selected Active Diagnosis, the tool will require or not to enter further settings or parameters to be used to run the Active Diagnosis.
> Maserati ECU Programming: ECU Programming allows the reprogramming of the application software of an ECU,The application software is retrieved by Maserati Servers, so this function requires internet connection,When in ECU View, the User can run ECU Programming tapping on “ECU Programming” tile. MDEvo will,read ECU Part Number, Software Version and Hardware Version from ECU,transmit these data to Maserati Server,request Maserati Server the right Software Version to be programmed,show the User the Software Version provided by Maserati Server,requires the User to Continue the programming,download Software Version from Maserati Server,program Software Version to ECU,request a Key off – key run cycle,programming complete message,optional post Procedures. In case Post Procedures are requested after the Programming of the particular ECU, at the end of the Programming the tool will ask to Continue/Abort with the Post Procedure. ex the Write Vehicle Configuration Procedure that at the end of BCM Programming.

> Maserati MD Diagnostic:MD Carrying WindowsXP system, Equipped Panasonic CF-19 Computer.
> Maserati MDEVO Diagnostic:MDEVO Carrying Windows8 system, Equipped Panasonic CF-D1 Tablet Computer.
> Maserati MDEVO II Diagnostic:MDEVO2 Carrying Windows10 system, Equipped Panasonic CF-D1 Tablet Computer,MDEVO2 is the upgrade of the MDEVO, it is the last generation tablet with the new Operating System Windows 10. It is designed to natively support on Windows 10 the diagnosis of M156, M157 and M161 vehicles. It is designed to support diagnosis of cars already supported by MD running a virtual machine loaded with MD software.
> Maserati MDEVO III Diagnostic: MDEVO3 Diagnosi is the upgrade of the MDEVO2. new electronic diagnostics tool MDEVO 3 (“Maserati Diagnosi EVO 3”) , it is the last generation tablet, Equipped with the new Winmate tablet,it is the last generation tablet with the new Operating System Win 10 Enterprise ltsc. It is designed to support diagnosis of cars already supported by MD running a virtual machine loaded with MD software.
> MDEVO Support model:Quattroporte M156,Ghibli M157,Levante M161,MC20 M240,Grecale M182…….and Further new models in the future.the MDEVO system has automatic updates function. through the built-in MD virtual machine system, it also supports all models on MD.
> MD Support model:Ghibli AM336,Quattroporte AM337,3200GT AM338, Coupé 4200 M138, Spyder 4200 M138, MC12,GranTurismo M145, GranCabrio M145,MC Stradale M145,GranTurismo M149, Quattroporte M139,Quattroporte M156,Ghibli M157,MD for models produced after 2018 will not be supported for diagnosis. the MD system has automatic updates function.
> MDVCI:Maserati MDVCI supports models before M161 M157 M156, only Maserati MDVCI2 supports MC20 and Grecale and subsequent new models.

Maserati Diagnosi MDEVO Tool kit:
• Maserati Diagnosi MDEVO CF-D1 Tablet
• Maserati Diagnosi EVOluzione System
• Maserati MDEVO Activation License
• Maserati Pico Measurement System
• Maserati MDEVO Docking Station
• Maserati Diagnosi MD System
• Maserati MDVCI Adapter
• Maserati EOBD Adapter
• Maserati OBD Adapter
• Maserati Self test Adapter
• Maserati MDEVO Battery
• Maserati MDEVO Stylus Pen
• Maserati MDEVO USB Cable
• Maserati MDEVO Power Cord
• Maserati MDEVO Car Charger
• Maserati Measurement Tool bag
• Maserati MDEVO Ethernet Cable
• Maserati MDEVO Quick start Guide
• Maserati MDEVO Warranty Guide
• Maserati MDEVO Training Manual
• Maserati Technical Documentation
• Maserati MDEVO Tool Carry Case

> Maserati Diagnosi MD MDEVO MDEVO2 MDEVO3 tool, we automatically renew these licenses on January 10th every year, after the first activation, there is no need to pay the license fee within two years, and the system will automatically update the license. Starting from the third year, you need to pay a yearly fee of $1800 for the license.
> Maserati MDEVO Tool warranty period is 5 years. We also provide long term Professional technical service support, we can also recovery buy back your tools equipment.
※ At Super Luxury Cars Service Center,the diagnostic tester tools we provide are all original factory dealer level diagnostics and engineering level diagnostics. have cooperated with oem vehicles factory for many years, also participate some automotive engineering tests and racing cars technical services,have excellent rich experience in super luxury automobile service diagnostic technology, also have technician engineer certification, extensive original factory service department engineers support cooperation. we have unique strengths in diagnosis technical services and diagnostic tools and spare parts. currently there are many third parties imitating us,over years we have never been surpassed,our professional capabilities and advantages and powerful resources cannot be replicated,we express that any other third parties have nothing to do with us. our focus the Hypercar Supercar international leading super luxury car technical service world global.


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