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BOSCH 6531,BOSCH博世MTS 6531,BOSCH博世VCI 6531,BOSCH博世MTS 6531诊断接口, BOSCH博世6531套件, BOSCH博世MTS 6531带P2P WiFi VCI诊断接口工套件.




BOSCH博世MTS 6531 VCI诊断接口套件,MTS6531 P2P WiFi套件。
BOSCH博世MTS 6531 VCI为原始设备制造商提供了当前车辆架构的灵活性以及未来的增长路径,包括DoIP和CAN-FD。MTS6531提供的应用范围远远超出标准车辆通信,从而降低了车间的投资成本。
BOSCH博世MTS 6531 VCI是一种高性能诊断接口设备测量工具,用于将主机 PC与车辆的ECU网络连接起来。由专业技术人员用作诊断和维修汽车电气和电子系统的辅助工具。MTS6531是博世MTS653x系列VCI产品的一部分,设计用于诊断车辆问题和编程刷新车辆ECU控制单元模块的最强大的变体。此外MTS6531的软件应用程序可用于测量电压等。
BOSCH博世MTS 6531基础套件包括所需的连接电缆和硬件,可通过诊断连接器传输数据和重新编程车辆上的ECU。
博世MTS 6531VCI套件,寶馳名車國際服務中心为所有经销商或独立车间和科研机构提供原厂供应,批发和零售供应。我们最多可以同时提供单次二十至五十套MTS6531的出货,并包括所有原始博世相关发票。
我们可以提供所有博世诊断接口工具,以及博世相关车间专用工具和设备,例如博世VCI MTS 6534 6531 6517 6516 6513 6512,ADAS工具。详情联系寶馳名車國際服務中心。

Workshop efficiency: Setting an industry benchmark for J2534 VCI pass-through performance with its 800 MHz processor, optimized software structure and faster boot up time. In addition, the VCI software facilitates secure immobilizer system reprogramming strategies.
Embedded applications: The Bosch MTS 6531 VCI includes an embedded runtime framework which enables the VCI to run embedded applications. This enables a wide range of use cases e.g. drive recorder, parking lot re-flash (standalone reflash), and diagnostic runtime.
Hardware features: The MTS 6531 supports an extended temperature range of -20 to +70 °C, sleep/wake modes, IP54 protection and is capable of storing data in the VCI e.g. drive recorder log files.
Workshop flexibility – embedded web-server: Embedded web server supports external browser-based display devices via HTML for an extended range of service bay use cases.
Support for future vehicle architectures: DoIP (Diagnostics over IP), CAN FD (Flexible Data rate CAN) and three independent CAN Controllers enable the MTS 6531 to support the newest and most advanced vehicle electrical architectures.
Expandable support for vehicle protocols: MTS 6531 can support virtually any vehicle communication protocol including current industry standard protocols as well as OEM Proprietary and legacy protocols. the expansion board provides a cost effective path for adding OEM required protocols as well as new protocols in the future.
Advanced Security Features: The MTS 6531 prevents unauthorized access to the VCI itself or the vehicle it is connected to. It is also protected against cloning.
Support of 24V System: The MTS 6531 VCI input voltage range is from 6 to 32 volts. The MTS 6531 can support 24 volts systems used in light and heavy trucks.

MTS 6531 VCI Kit Component Details :
Bosch MTS 6531 VCI Diagnostic interface tester 1699200338
Bosch MTS 6531 DLC Diagnostic connection cable 1699200366
Bosch MTS 6531 USB connecting cable F00K108653
Bosch MTS 6531 Ethernet connecting cable 1684465811
Bosch MTS 6531 Wireless WiFi USB adapter 1689989305
Bosch MTS 6531 Test adapter (self-test) 1699200154
Bosch MTS 6531 Quick start guide 1689989442
Bosch MTS 6531 information safety instructions 1689989443
Bosch MTS 6531 VCI user manual 1689989445
Bosch MTS 6531 warranty manual 1699200078
Bosch MTS 6531 kit invoice (Original factory)
Bosch MTS 6531 kit invoice (Agent supplier)
Bosch MTS 6531 kit branded storage case

Supported Standards:
•ISO 22900-2 – Diagnostic PDU API
•J2534-1 Pass-Thru Programming API
•J2534-2 Optional Pass-Thru Features API

PC Host Interfaces:
•USB 2.0 – Type B connector (x1)
•802.11 b/g/n WiFi
•Ethernet 10/100

VCI Manager PC Software Application:
•Device Busy/Wireless/Detection Indication
•Software and Firmware Update Tool
•Wired/Wireless Connection Management

VCI Physical Layer Interfaces:
•Channel 1 at 125/250/500/1000kbps
•Channel 2 at 125/250/500/1000kbps
•Channel 3 at 125/250/500/1000kbps
•Two UART channels (K & L Lines)
•One J1850
•One J1708

Protocol Interfaces:
• SAE J1939 (3 independent channels)
• SAE J1708/J1587
• SAE J1850 VPW / PWM
• SAE 2740 (GM UART)
• SAE J2818 – KWP1281
• SAE J2284 at 125/250/500kbps
• SAE J2411 (GM Single Wire CAN)
• SAE J2610
• ISO 13400 – DoIP
• ISO 15765
• ISO 14230 – KWP 2K
• ISO 9141-2
• ISO 11898-1 CAN-FD
• ISO 11898-3 (Fault Tolerant CAN)
• GMW 3110 (GM LAN)
• ISO 11992-1 DW CAN

Other Interfaces:
• Pin voltage Measurement
• Programming Voltage Generator
• Internal Temperature Sensor
• Wake up and Sleep Functions
• IP54 Compliant
• Power through DLC or USB Type B Connector

> 我们为博世MTS6531工具提供两年质保(如确认故障只换不修)。如需其他博世VCI测试仪诊断接口,请联系我们咨询。
※ 在寶馳名車國際服務中心,我们提供的诊断测试仪工具均是原厂经销商级诊断和工程级诊断,我们与许多工厂技术服务工程部合作多年,也参与了部分汽车工程测试和赛车技术服务,在超豪华汽车超级跑车服务诊断技术能力上有着卓越的丰富经验,同时拥有技术员工程师认证,广泛的原厂服务部工程师支持合作。在诊断技术服务和诊断工具及备件方面我们具有独特的优势。目前有很多第三方模仿我们,多年来我们从未被超越,我们的专业能力和优势及强大的资源是无法复制,任何其他第三方与我们无关。寶馳名車國際服務中心SUPER LUXURY CARS SERVICE CENTER專注於國際領先的超級豪華汽車超級跑車技術服務。